Born and brought up in east London, when I look back, I now realise how often the spirit world has influenced my early life. My earliest memories date back to my first dream experiences, what would happen each night. I appeared to be woken up by figures dressed in white and taken from my bed to hospital surroundings. I would find myself being lifted and instructed to place my hands on the person lying on the bed; what would happen next? I am not sure, only that often when I woke up I could feel quite tired. I remember seeing faces in patterns on the carpet, curtains or the wall. These always would appear to be animated; some would smile, and others would make faces at me, which could be quite frightening to a young child. During this time, I felt I did not belong; for most of my early life, I had this feeling, and I remember asking to go home as I did not belong there! I felt homesick even when I was at home with my parents. My father often found me with my head buried in the pillow, trying to hide from the images I saw at bedtime. I do not know why I never confided in my parents about what was happening. Possibly, I thought that this happened to everybody and it was customary to see such things. The home I grew up in was full of spirit, and my family knew that certain rooms had different atmospheres. My grandparents owned our property, and my mother had grown up in this house. My mother said that there were some rooms where she would not stay by herself as a child. I saw spirit until puberty, and then it all faded from my memory until I experienced difficulties in life.
When I was about 32, I was working in Hackney; I was prompted to visit a healer ‘Leo Bias’ because I was continuously uncomfortable. Within weeks of starting the healing sessions, I was experiencing a spiritual awareness similar to my childhood experiences. It would appear that my going for healing reawakened my connection to the spirit world and, of course, my curiosity. After receiving regular healing for about a year, I visited in the late seventies Billericay Spiritualist Church which was based then in the reading rooms in the High Street. Once I started to attend the church, I received regular encouragement from spirit regarding my connection to the spirit world and where they thought it might take me. Not long after I started to attend the church, I was invited to join a home circle in Billericay. It has been a long and fruitful journey, not without its extreme difficulties, challenges and much more! I now understand that it is life’s experiences that help us to grow and develop. My Journey continues with its rich pageant of life and changing adventures taking me forward to the next phase.