Spiritual Connections with Richard Baldwin & Brenda Treadgold.

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There are no limits to the love
that created you,
only you create the limits
that control your life.
Break free,
learn how to work with
your Divine connections.
You are your own powerhouse of
light and love.
Be true to the light
and then you are
being true to you.

The Angels are all around you waiting for your thoughts, words and prayers to open channels of communication, their energy is so close it wraps around you each time you send out and share your love with the world. There are Angels everywhere even in the darkest places they bring their light through the love of the Great Spirit and encourage us to change.

A Quote from the Universe
“The present is defined by a confluence
of your thoughts,
and guided and restricted
by your beliefs. 
The future becomes present when
your beliefs change.
Time measures how much effort you
require to change your thoughts.
And space shows exactly
what you’re now thinking about.
And therein you see that the one,
universal, immovable,
the unifying equation that sums up all things
physical and metaphysical is
Thoughts Become Things,
Which is all you really need to know!

Home is Basildon Essex, I am a registered healer, ‘NFSH’ The Healiers Trust, Reiki Master,          Reflexologist ‘MBSR’ (Retired) and Spiritual Medium.

My spiritual work started in the eighties, this is when I began to recognise my spiritual journey. There is no charge for healing, but I accept donations, which are passed on to Charity. Work consists of teaching about the spirit world this is to help those who wish to develop their spiritual gifts in small inspirational groups, through workshops and circles in Essex, also by invitation to work in spiritual churches and halls demonstrating mediumship. This work can involve raising money for local churches, charities, and organisations based anywhere in the country.  Evenings of communication are held normally in “Spiritual churches or Spiritual Centres” where I explain with help from spirit about the spirit world and its philosophy. When invited I investigate spiritual phenomena in people’s homes and help to rescue the lost souls that can sometimes interfere with our daily lives. There is no charge for this service, but a donation towards my travelling costs are appreciated.  



With every breath I take
the light within grows
brighter & stronger,
and as I breathe out
my Love expands and grows.

I am sharing the Love,

and so it is, and so it will always be.

I am Peace,
I am love,
I am Harmony,
I am love,
I am Healing,
I am love,

Love is,
Limitless, Opportunities,
Vibrating, Eternally. 

I am an infinite soul
connected to an Infinite Universe

With every breath I take
 the light within my heart centre
 grows  brighter and stronger
 and as  I breathe out 
my light expands and grows.

I am sharing the Love
I am Eternal.

I  AM; 
at Peace with  the World,  
and the World is at Peace with Me.
at peace with myself. 

Thought For Today
Hell is full of good meanings,
Heaven is full of good works.
Hence the saying,
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!

“False Evidence Appearing Real.”

I AM Focusing on Peace so that Fear will Dissolve
I AM Focusing on Love so that Hate will Disappear, 
I AM Focusing on Joy so that Grief will Evaporate, 
I AM Cultivating Flowers
so that

Weeds cannot take Hold.